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This free course is designed to help you improve your mental health and wellbeing. Feeling worried or anxious can have a big impact on your health and for some people life can be particularly difficult.

The course can help you to take greater control of your actions, so that day-to-day life becomes less distressing and more enjoyable. You will learn practical and effective ways of dealing with thoughts and feelings that may be causing distress.

The course has been developed for you by Dr Neil Frude and will help you find out what is really important to you and give you the skills to be able to live your life with more confidence and a greater sense of purpose.

Start the course by clicking on the ACT 1 video below. There are four videos each lasting around 40 minutes. You can pause at any time and come back to them if you need to take a break. We recommend having a few days between each video so that you can practice the learning. For each of the videos there is a guide you can download, print or take notes on, and also some audio exercises that you can listen to.