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3.6 Priority 6: Tackling the public health effects of climate change

Climate change is recognised as the most significant public health threat of the century, endangering physical health, mental health and well-being. The impacts of climate change are multi-faceted, impacting the social and environmental determinants of health. As climate change impacts on different areas of life and on health inequalities, research and evaluation priorities in this area will emerge and change over time.

Research Questions

Protection, Promotion and Education Around Climate Change 

1.    What role does public health play in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation, and where does it have the most significant impact?

2.    What forms of messages and communication techniques are the most efficacious for conveying environmental risk to communities confronting such risks?

3.    How might climate change influence the prevalence of infectious diseases in Wales, and what measures might be necessary to address emerging threats?

Responding and Facilitating Action on Climate Change

1.    What strategies prove most effective in motivating and engaging communities to actively participate in climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts?

2.    What proven strategies exist for mitigating the immediate, medium-term, and long-term consequences of flooding and other extreme weather events on the mental health and well-being of affected populations?

3.    How does social capital and community action contribute to the effectiveness of responses to climate change adaptation and mitigation?

4.    What public health measures are necessary to offer support to communities confronted with displacement or adaptation due to imminent flooding threats?

5.    Which interventions are essential to prepare homes for future challenges and to adapt them in ways that ensure health and well-being?

Monitoring and Evaluating Climate Change

1.    What disparities exist between urban and rural areas concerning their capacity to adapt to climate change impacts, including housing modifications and the enhancement of energy efficiency in cold homes?

2.    How do the health service demands change as a consequence of climate change, encompassing areas such as mental health services, respiratory health, and unplanned care?

3.    To what extent do public services function as anchor institutions in the context of climate change, and what repercussions arise from NHS interventions for promoting green health?